Jacqui Gleeson
Personal Profile
Jacqui has been coaching and facilitating teams and business leaders for over 27 years. She brings a unique set of skills, knowledge and added value to any organisation she is involved with. Her extensive sales and management background and operating at board room levels across all industries internationally, has bestowed her with an in-depth insight to businesses, people, culture, market drivers and what the impact of inspirational leadership can achieve.
Background and Experience
Jacqui’s global experience and understanding of all sectors ranging from Technology, Retail, FMCG, Financial Services, Automotive, Manufacturing, Travel & Leisure, Media, Oil & Gas, Utilities and Public Sector, together with working at all levels, underpins her ability to connect with people across a broad spectrum. Her credible career path was selling technology and business solutions working for Volvo, British Olivetti, McDonnell Douglas Information Systems, AT&T and BT. Jacqui formed Gleeson Executive Limited in 2003 and latterly, Inspirational You, where she has placed senior talent in to roles, coached and mentored clients globally.
As a global leadership and transformational coach, Jacqui gets straight to the ‘barriers/issues’ preventing progress both personally and professionally. She has an innovative style which is eclectic, warm, humorous, relaxed and yet challenging. With her corporate, SME and start up business experience Jacqui brings true empathy and understanding of career development, business, M&A, ROI and global leadership challenges.
In her role as a global leadership & transformational coach Jacqui has:
- Mentored and coached some of the most renowned business leaders in the industry for over 27 years.
- Impacted strategy around Leadership & Development programmes.
- Initiated/facilitated and been innovative around new ‘go to market’ multimillion pound business opportunities and introductions.
- Coached 1:1 middle and senior management to maximise career and business opportunities.
- Facilitated and coached global teams to deliver business objectives in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland bringing personalities together via coaching to assist in planning joint ‘go to market’ strategies, goals and objectives ensuring a clear understanding of roles, responsibilities and accountabilities.
- Worked alongside businesses with regard to board room succession to help unravel the barriers to success in leadership.
- Provided insight and introduced ‘best practice’ relationships which have provoked thoughts for future leadership and business initiatives.
- Coached rising stars to achieve board room’s roles as part of succession planning.
- Introduced a coaching culture style to wider teams which has had onward positive impact to clients, their own clients of which further business has developed with stronger client relationships established.
- Worked closely in facilitating and observing (on a 1-1 basis), the personal impact of individual leaders with their teams and across the business. This has offered a factual based feedback scenario for self-awareness and future leadership development.
- Regularly been invited to brainstorm events with senior management to create new initiatives for leaders where they can be recognised and rewarded for success which has both retained talent and inspired new talent.
- Been invited to work alongside ‘Women in Leadership’ initiatives within organisations and regularly coaches young and aspiring female leaders to step up and be recognised.
- Regularly invited to partake in discussions and projects around various different complimentary new and innovative coaching programmes/initiatives to enhance the experience and results within coaching for clients i.e., neuroscience in coaching.
Areas of Expertise
Jacqui specialises in:
• Executive Board Coaching
• Board Succession Coaching
• Neuro Transformation Coaching – Leadership of the 21st Century!
• Leadership Coaching • Women in Leadership Coaching
• Team Facilitation Coaching
• Career Development Coaching
• Mental Toughness & Resilience Coaching
Professional Qualifications, Accreditation
- • Henley University of Reading Coaching
• Certified Practitioner of NLP IFCNLP
• Practitioner of Appraisal 360, EFT ('Tapping’)
• Matrix Re-imprinting Practitioner
• Hypnotherapist Henley Accredited Coach
• AA
• Quilter
• Raytheon