Resilient - Influential - Strong – Empowered

Empowered Women's
Development Programme
"If you don't take your moment to shine, someone else will!"
Gillian Jones-Williams
To many gender parity is all about being fair, but for businesses today it is about access to talent. Women in the workplace bring huge benefits for organisations, however they still face many challenges in climbing the career ladder. Organisations must step up to support women to realise their true potential in their careers and enhance their contributions.
To do this we need to create the right culture.
The RISE Programme is a fully blended development solution and additionally offers:
Offering a development programme as part of your Equity, Diversity and Inclusion strategy creates a safe environment for women to overcome their biggest challenges. RISE also aims to create a supportive community in which participants can be open with how they feel and share their experiences in a completely safe environment.
About RISE
The RISE Programme has been developed by Gillian Jones-Williams, the Founder and Managing Director of Emerge Development Consultancy Ltd. Gillian is passionate about Women's Development and has been delivering Women's Development interventions across the UK, USA and the Middle East for over seven years.
As an accredited Master Executive Coach, Gillian has coached many senior executive women and has worked with many organisations at Board level, and it is through insights gleaned over the years that the RISE Programme was born.
RISE gives women the opportunity to move outside their comfort zones, whilst experiencing empathy and a safe environment in which to look introspectively and understand their strengths. Our delegates leave every module feeling energised and inspired, please scroll down for some brief testimonials.
Gillian Jones-Williams
Here is a brief video from Gillian introducing the RISE Programme:
"Thank you for such an energising and inspiring programme. All of the participants are still talking about it and we've had very positive feedback."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the RISE training. They were fantastic sessions and I took so much away from them. Now to go away and identify the priority areas to work on."
"It really has been inspirational. I feel lucky to have been part of it, it's been very helpful. I feel like I've made some valuable changes already. Thank you."
"The programme has been life-changing. I'll use the knowledge I've gained in every aspect of my life."
"Thank you for being so inspirational and helping us on our journey to success!"
"Very useful course for a female trying to be a leader in a male dominated environment."
"I have taken away objectives from the course of practicing confidence and projection in my work environment. It is important to make sure your thoughts and opinions are heard and valued, so I am keen to speak up more and leave a lasting positive impression."
"8 months on from my first RISE session I have gained confidence and self-belief that I have been able to portray in a way that has been recognised by my managers and led to an amazing development opportunity. I am perfectly capable of doing this job, but without RISE I would never have aimed for it nor, I believe, have been offered it by my director. I have used hints and tips from the course at every stage in the lead up to me starting this role and I am certain that, as you mentioned on RISE, visibility has played a huge part in my achieving this role. So, thank you."
"In 2006, after years of ever more serious depressive episodes, I lost all hope. Since then I've survived - slowly climbing upwards. I enrolled on RISE and realised that although I was surviving, I definitely wasn't living. I still had a ton of limiting beliefs that made that happen. Those are what lead me to put others (always) before myself. To accept the way I allow myself to be treated because I am not worth anything any more. It's hard to change, but I'm aware now and I'm trying. Thank you."
"The course is really powerful and you have done particularly well to deliver the power virtually given the constraints of the pandemic. I thought it was interesting when you posed the question on the celebration call - "do you think that the impact of the course was any less?" - it really couldn't have been any more powerful for me. Thank you."
"I did your training a while ago. I just wanted to say that the training has really helped in the past year or so, it helped me to decide to change careers and find a career path that I am very excited about - your training has really helped with that transition so far."
Our Corporate women's development programmes are available to deliver virtually and face to face. The Programme is split into 3 parts, with a celebration webinar after completion of all the modules.
We recommend a break of 4-6 weeks between each 'Part' of the Programme to embed the learning and to put into practical context.
The RISE Open Programme follows exactly the same format as the Corporate Programme. The programme is now back to running in person at a central London location with the celebration event being virtual
Programme Content – Face to Face
Part 1 - 2 Days
- • Identify success factors that will enhance their lives.
- • Identify what makes women successful.
- • Understand how to feel empowered.
- • Have clarity on their values and life guidelines.
- • Understand how to develop Emotional Intelligence.
- • Be able to analyse and develop their strengths.
- • Avoid emotional hijacks.
- • Understand how to change habits and set goals.
- • Understand how to create a positive personal impact.
- • Understand how to demonstrate gravitas.
- • Work on developing a positive first impression.
- • Ensure that vocal, verbal and non-verbal messages are congruent.
- • Increase presence and impact when pitching.
- • Create a helpful mindset that is confident, empowered and assertive.
- • Understand how to manage your ‘state’ and behave authentically.
- • Assertively say ‘no’ or modify the ‘ask’ when necessary.
- • Have tools to script and manage conversations to ensure that messages are clear and assertive.
4-6 Week Interval
Part 2 – 1 Day
- • Understand the importance of networking and visibility.
- • Have a strategy for networking.
- • Be committed to more varied networking.
- • Be more at ease and assured at networking meetings.
- • Be better equipped to introduce and sell yourself both in person and online.
- • Communicate more easily with people.
- • Understand why some behaviors disconnect us from people.
- • Be more influential.
- • Have courageous conversations.
- • Manage conflict in the workplace more effectively.
4-6 Week Interval
Part 3 – 1 Day
- • Understand the traits of great women leaders.
- • Explore 5 key things organization look for in a great leader.
- • To understand transformational leadership.
- • To evaluate your style as a leader.
- • To manage different levels of experience.
- • To consider your leadership ‘legacy’.
- • Understanding how women’s career pathways may vary.
- • Identifying how to set clear and powerful goals.
- • Understanding the right career criteria for you.
- • Enhancing and enriching your role.
- • Creating a development plan.
- • Understanding how to have a constructive conversation about your preferred career choices.
4-6 Week Interval
Celebration Webinar - 90 Minutes
- The Celebrate Your Uniqueness Webinar recognises that every woman will have had a different journey throughout RISE. The event gives them the opportunity to reflect on where they have personally got to and to share it with their cohort. The preparation involves completing a second round of the Elev8te questionnaire so that there is a comparison from the starting point.
The second part is about the programme review and celebration. Throughout the programme we encourage delegates to note their actions at each session and before the webinar each person takes some time to reflect back on these actions and consider the impact it had on both them and the business. It will often encourage the women to refine their goals in order to continue their development or to remind them to continue action. It also allows the organisation to collect information on the impact of the programme.
If you are interested in a virtual delivery option please download the below attachment:
Meet the Facilitators
In order to ensure we can deliver RISE across the globe we wanted to ensure that we had the best pool of facilitators, with a wealth of knowledge and who could truly support and inspire women, so we recruited the most diverse bunch of amazing women, whose lived experience includes mental health, disability, cultural challenges and overcoming massive life changes. All RISE facilitators are experienced in women’s empowerment and have years of working with organisations and individuals to achieve their goals.
Gillian Jones-Williams
Lara Khalaf
Trudy Simmons
Silje Howes
We are now beginning to experience clients who want to spread RISE even further through their organisation and therefore have decided to accredit facilitators inside of their companies. We take a huge amount of care to train and accredit internal facilitators as want to ensure that messages do not get diluted and the accreditation process also means that cohorts of internal women are being trained at the same time.