Our personal effectiveness workshops are for individuals who want to enhance their performance at work
The offerings are therefore an eclectic mix of very different solutions. They are all designed to engage and inspire individuals to realise their potential in the workplace. Sometimes people need to develop their effectiveness because of a problem they are having in their current situation (e.g., to improve their ability to present information) or it may be because they want to grasp an opportunity or because someone else recognises the potential in them.
We are behaviour change experts and have years of experience in helping people to reprogramme their brains and to develop greater confidence and assertiveness. All of the workshops are created to support and challenge delegates so that they can embed the learning into the way they work and maximise their potential.
To give you an idea of the breadth of our capability, here are just a few examples of the personal effectiveness courses we have delivered for our clients:
- Presentation Skills
- Facilitation Skills
- Impactful Communication Skills
- Customer Care
- Assertiveness
- Decision Making
- Courageous Conversations
- Productivity and Time Management
- Influencing
- Selection Interviewing
- Effective Meetings
- Building Confidence
- Resilience
- Mindfulness
- Business Writing
Self Awareness
At Emerge we believe that “you can’t change yourself until you accept yourself as you really are”. Self-Awareness is also one of the key components of Emotional Intelligence, so helping people become more self-aware is a key part of our programmes.
We employ a variety of tools to help people raise their self-awareness. The tool used depends on the outcomes desired by the individuals and the organisations we are working with.
Sometimes gaining self-awareness is about being introduced to a model or concept and thinking about how this applies to you as an individual to increase your understanding of the way you think, feel, and behave and then consider the impact this has on others.
For example, if an organisation wanted their managers to be more aware of their style and to create a common vocabulary for people to use across the organisation, we may suggest a profiling tool such as Insights.
To gain maximum self-awareness people need feedback from others and the space to reflect on what the information is telling them. In this case, if a manager wanted to gain some insights into how they currently managed and motivated their team we may suggest using our EPIC Engagement tool or a 360⁰ feedback tool which would supply them with a comprehensive report about their behaviours and effectiveness.
On other occasions, gaining self-awareness is about having a skilled coach ask probing questions that help to examine behaviours, motivations, aspirations, fears, and beliefs.
And sometimes it could be a mixture of all of the above. At Emerge we have a wide variety of tools that can help your people to raise their self-awareness depending on what they and you want to achieve.
Our offerings include:
- Building Emotional Intelligence
- Bespoke 360° Feedback Tools
- Team Climate Surveys
- EPIC Engagement Survey
- Personality Profiling Tools
- Strength Deployment Inventory - SDI
- Myers Briggs – MBTI
- Insights
- Personal Coaching and Feedback
- Development and Assessment Centres
To find out how we could help your people raise their personal effectiveness and self-awareness contact us today.
Presentation Skills
Facilitation Skills
Impactful Communication Skills
Customer Care
Decision Making
Courageous Conversations
Productivity and Time Management
Selection Interviewing
Effective Meetings
Building Confidence
Business Writing
PHROPHET (Executive Team Profiling)
Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI)
54b High Street, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 7BG
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